Once you launch your small business website, you might feel like you can finally relax. You can sit back and wait for business to start flowing in. People will read your awesome content. They’ll ... [Continue Reading]
Transactional Email for Small Business
You may be familiar with email marketing, but have you heard about “transactional email marketing”? For small business owners, email is the best way of communicating with your target audience. Yes, ... [Continue Reading]
Storytelling as Marketing for Small Business
There’s nothing like a good story. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t like to read or hear someone relate a personal experience. It doesn’t need to be long. It doesn’t need to change ... [Continue Reading]
SEO Friendly URLs for Small Business Websites
Before I get into some factors for creating SEO friendly URLs, let me define “URL”. A Universal Resource Locator is simply the unique text address of a specific web page (or resource). A URL points ... [Continue Reading]
Big Business Online Marketing for Local Business Owners
Canadian local businesses today have a huge opportunity to promote their products and services online. At Lighthouse Marketing, we have often commented on how much further ahead our American ... [Continue Reading]
Is Your Mobile Friendly Website Actually Friendly?
What does "mobile friendly" really mean? When we talk about the importance of having a mobile friendly website, we are not really concerned about mobile devices. What?! Hold on a minute. Aren't ... [Continue Reading]