Lighthouse Marketing Inc. respects your privacy as well as that of our employees and suppliers. We are committed to keeping this information secure and protected when providing services to our clients. The information is only collected, used and disclosed by Lighthouse Marketing Inc. in accordance with this Privacy Policy, which conforms with the requirements of the Canadian privacy laws.
Why We Collect Information
Our goal is to provide you with the best possible outcome in terms of your website design makeover. To this end, we collect the company contact information as well as information about your current marketing practices, clients, testimonials, images, etc. in order to better target your market.
How We Use the Information
All of this information is used to build your website and help us strategize about optimum marketing, which is customized for your business and your business goals. We will never collect more information than is needed to fulfill these purposes, unless requested by you.
Disclosure of Personal Information
Your information will never be traded, sold or leased by Lighthouse to any other company without first obtaining your written consent. Your information is only disclosed for Lighthouse’s legitimate business purposes or as required to meet legal and regulatory requirements.
We may share information with our affiliates, partners, contractors or other companies (collectively “representatives”) that we use to provide necessary services. However, we only disclose limited information as required for the function that will be performed by the representative on our behalf. We also ensure that every contract we enter into with a representative clearly outlines the representative’s obligation to protect your information and live up to the principles of privacy.
Having read this policy and by using our services and providing us with your information, Lighthouse implies your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information as specified herein.
Lighthouse implies your consent if we feel we are using your information for purposes that are obvious to you. For example, if you list the names and phone numbers of your employees, we will not seek your express consent before using these names in your website.
How Long We Keep Your Personal Information
We keep your information as long as you are using our website design and marketing services, or longer if required by law. We retain all your information as long as you remain our client, and for seven years thereafter.
Security Measures
We have policies in place to ensure that your information, in both paper and electronic format, are secure. Lighthouse protects the information given through various security practices and measures.
Access to your Personal Information and Accuracy
You may make a written request for access to your information at any time and we will provide you with a copy of the information we have on file. If any of your company information changes, we would appreciate an update in order to keep our files up to date. You are welcome to contact us at any time with any questions or concerns.