If you spend much time on the Internet, you’ve probably noticed that many websites these days have a similar look. Whether you browse on your mobile device, tablet, or desktop, you’ve seen common ... [Continue Reading]
Is Your Mobile Friendly Website Actually Friendly?
What does "mobile friendly" really mean? When we talk about the importance of having a mobile friendly website, we are not really concerned about mobile devices. What?! Hold on a minute. Aren't ... [Continue Reading]
Considerations for a Successful Website Redesign
It happens to every website owner. When your website finally launches, the excitement grows with the prospect of reaching new visitors and serving more customers. Each time you visit your new ... [Continue Reading]
SEO Company For Local Business: Introducing Lighthouse Marketing Inc.
SEO Company For Local Business: What Is SEO? Anyone who is not involved with the internet or internet marketing of any sort will find the "SEO" also known as "search engine optimization" very ... [Continue Reading]